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Magazine 4 2021

Floréac Magazine #4 2021 : Thanks Plants !

Thanks Plants. We could just as well have said ‘Thanks Clients’, as we are very grateful for both our plants and our clients. But for once, we are giving the stage to our product: the plants. They take such good care of us, so we should give something back. Put our plants in the spotlight, so to speak.

Erik Boterdaele

A-class cultivation

These are busy days for Erik Boterdaele. Now that the summer is giving way to autumn, summer flowers are passing on the baton to hardy perennials. Anyone who thinks that just means greenery should take a closer look. In particular, the Hebe Addenda will lend a touch of colour to every Indian summer.

Trophée d'or Jardineries Floréac

Second Trophée d’Or 2021 now gracing our mantlepiece

Winners once again! Floréac takes home JardinPlus’ prestigious Trophée d’Or for the second year in a row. Glowing with pride at getting 2021’s highest score for innovation, logistics, and commercial dynamism/communication. We’ve already set our sights on a third win.

The Mastergrowers

Growth through courage, curiosity and love of nature

Developing. Devotion. Daring. The intro on the website of The Mastergrowers might be short, but the company’s ambitions go a long way. As master Hydrangea growers, they aim to be the most innovative supplier for the top end of the indoor Hydrangea market. How they achieve this? Firstly, by working together. Secondly, by colouring outside the lines. Master grower Robin van Dijk explains.

Jelle en Luc Van Den Berghe

Always stay curious

“Things must move forward.” Luc Van den Berghe might not say it in so many words, but you can still read it between the lines. And you can’t fail to miss his passion for the craft either. But Luc, whose company occupies almost 5 hectares, remains grounded. A few years ago, he switched from houseplants to garden plants. And thanks to smart innovation, this choice is now bearing fruit. “You have to innovate; otherwise, you just won’t make it in this trade.”

Cover Magazine 2 2021

Floréac Magazine #2 2021 : A green vaccine

We have all the ingredients we need for an alternative vaccine at home. A green vaccine that brightens up every interior, purifies the air and creates a great atmosphere.

Our appetite for greenery has only increased in recent months. We all want a house filled with plants and are paying more attention to our garden or terrace these days.

Good vibes, as you can see. So let’s pull out all the stops (and pots) to make the world a brighter place.

Karmaplants Maurice & Glenn

Karma Plants, wick pioneers

If the Dutch Anthurium grower Karma Plants has its way, it will soon no longer be necessary to mine peat. The company stands out with its desire for innovation and sustainability. Maurice Langelaan provides a behind-the-scenes look and explains why the Grown with Waterwick cultivation system could well be the breakthrough of the future.


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